The heroic alter ego to Rosalette Gynn and defender for the city of Metroburg.
Powers and abilities: Flight
Issue 20 – Page 22
Everyone is going to take the news in a different way…
Updates Mondays and Thursdays
The heroic alter ego to Rosalette Gynn and defender for the city of Metroburg.
Powers and abilities: Flight
Everyone is going to take the news in a different way…
At last the Heroic Community reveals the power behind the throne.
And so we come to the conclusion of another Ms Rocket story. I do my best to keep this comic light and fun, but sometimes you just gotta have a sad ending.
Work always gets busy at the worst times.
Well that was unexpected…
Ok, so they’re pretty good it turns out
They never want to talk…
At least it was only a warning.
She definitely won’t take ‘No’ for an answer.
And so the villain has a name.