Issue 02 – Page 41
So THAT’S where she got the hero name. Did you know you can like and follow the comic on facebook? Because you can. Just follow that little box down bellow the comments
Updates Mondays and Thursdays
So THAT’S where she got the hero name. Did you know you can like and follow the comic on facebook? Because you can. Just follow that little box down bellow the comments
There’s an unexpected guest.
She does have a point…about hearing him out. Though he is pretty handsome…
I suppose its really NOT his call is it?
Otto is very understanding
With travel time and getting gym ready included that is gonna be an EARLY morning.
And that’s going to close out another story line. Hope everyone enjoyed it. Going to shift things up a bit but don’t worry we’ll keep the comics coming.
Hope everyone out there has a safe and fun Halloween. Something a little different today. The first of what might be many little single page stories or art pieces. Regular comics will start up Thursday with a brand new story line.
It looks like that training is going to start sooner than expected. Quick little note, rather than waiting until 8AM CST to the post the comics, they’re now going up at midnight. This should hopefully make it easier for people to catch them at any time in the morning.
Here it is, the start of a new day. An early day. Notice anything different? Yep, I’m happy to say that The Adventures of Ms Rocket will now be in COLOR.