Issue 09 – Page 18
You can always count on Star to take any opportunity to push on your buttons. In an affectionate way.
Updates Mondays and Thursdays
You can always count on Star to take any opportunity to push on your buttons. In an affectionate way.
Oh Burke and Hare…will you ever successfully pull off a crime in this city? (No, no they will not)
Oh Anders, you’re such a good boyfriend. I want to give a quick shout out to some background cameos. Descending the stairs is Mario from Grown-Up Pixels Definitely give him a look. Also that background poster seems to advertise a pretty cool singer don’t you think?
The lead singer of “The Angels” is modeled after a real life musician, Alyssa Menes. She’s an incredibly talented woman and I highly HIGHLY recommend checking out her music here. I’d also like to thank her for letting me user her likeness in this comic.
Ikashimai does give one HECK of a show!
Rosalette definitely owes Anders a dinner after free tickets to her favorite band.
And so, one regular day for Ms Rocket comes to its conclusion. I think its fitting that a single day story took 24 pages to tell…and that it ended on the 24th. It’s almost like I planned that…
Here we are again, with a brand new story. It looks like it’ll be quite a different challenge.
That’s an excellent looking poster. I can see why they sold out.
She’s not wrong. It’s an incredibly practical suit. A few little news updates. For one be sure to check out my friend Shane‘s comic ‘Heroes of the World and Beyond’ Why? Well because one of his characters just went on a cross dimensional trip and stopped by to say “Hello” Secondly its Inktober time again!… Continue reading Issue 10 – Page 02