Issue 06 – Page 31
I’d be snarky too if I just took a shot to the shoulder blade. Thank goodness for that extra durable suit.
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I’d be snarky too if I just took a shot to the shoulder blade. Thank goodness for that extra durable suit.
And THIS is why its important to form a plan first.
After a few misfires, Ms Rocket seems to have a strategy.
That’s a mighty big explosion for such a tiny little rocket.
What action scene would be complete without a one-liner?
Hey, its Aneesa! Good to see her again.
Nothing is worse than building up your confidence…and then getting completely undercut.
As they walk into the sunset we come to a close on another story line. Don’t worry though. Their date goes well 😉
Silly villains. They never plan that far ahead. A very happy Labor Day to all celebrating, and especially to those still working today.
I really hope that one day if there’s some official Ms Rocket wikipedia page, all of those are listed as ‘known aliases’. Another one-shot today. New story will begin on Monday.